CODING With Explanation:-
Copy Code for Face detection on Image
Bold Letter is Coding Part.
% Face Detection Steps :-
% 1.Image labelling
% 2.Training
% 3.Testing
% 1. Load labelled data file ,which created through image labelling
Facedetect = selectLabels(gTruth,'Face');
% 2. Creating Variable Facedetect in which will store labels 'Face'
if isfolder(fullfile('TrainingData'))
cd TrainingData
mkdir TrainingData
% 3. if else condition, if means 'if full name TrainingData exist ,locate that file ' else here if TrainingData Files doesnt exits Make one and
% add it to the MATLAB Path
trainingData = objectDetectorTrainingData(Facedetect,'SamplingFactor',1,'writeLocation','TrainingData');
% Make variable trainingData in which will store and passing Parameters like Facedetect that is labels , Sampling factor means Examples Face images
% if sampling factor is 2 than 2times negative images taken, Writing location = as ' TrainingData Folder'.
detector = trainACFObjectDetector(trainingData,'NumStages',20);
% detector is variable storing data of ACF Object Detector Neural network , Numstages= Number of Training stages,
% More stages like 10,20 takes long time to train but with higher %Accuracy
% saving Detector file , so once ACF detector trained ,it can be used to detect Faces
% Saving detector file in TrainingData Folder
% Upto this 13 lines of Code , It needs to run Only Once .
% once we have save Our Neural Network 'Detector.mat' file which detects faces . one Have saved in TrainingData folder ,
% So to use it whenever we just need to load it by specfying its path
% Now u can delete Above codes,above 13 line is only one time needed to run.
This final Code.
% Load Detector file , it is Pretrained Neural network for face detection
img = imread('C:\Users\ANKIT TIWARI\Desktop\Face detection UTUBE\anu.jpg');
% img is Variable , imread is function for reading Image.
[bboxes,scores] = detect(detector,img);
% bboxes = Bounding Boxes which surrounds Face -Rectangle Box
% Scores = Confidence that is how sure a Detector is for identifying Human Face
for i = 1:length(scores)
For loop when i=1:Scores,
annotation = sprintf('Confidence = %.1f',scores(i));
%annotation is labels like face and Confidence in percentage
img = insertObjectAnnotation(img,'rectangle',bboxes(i,:),annotation);
Face Tracking CODE:-
% 1. Load labelled data file ,which created through image labelling
Facedetect = selectLabels(gTruth,'Face');
% 2. Creating Variable FaceGtruth in which will store labels 'Face'
if isfolder(fullfile('TrainingData'))
cd TrainingData
mkdir TrainingData
% 3. if else condition, if means 'if full name TrainingData exist ,locate that file ' else here if TrainingData Files doesnt exits Make one and
% add it to the MATLAB Path
trainingData = objectDetectorTrainingData(Facedetect,'SamplingFactor',1,'writeLocation','TrainingData');
detector = trainACFObjectDetector(trainingData,'NumStages',5);
% Make variable trainingData in which will store and passing Parameters like FaceGtruth that is labels , Sampling factor means Examples Face images
% if sampling factor is 2 than 2times negative images taken, Writing location = as TrainingData Folder
% load Trained Object Detector
vidReader = VideoReader('C:\Users\ANKIT TIWARI\Desktop\Face detection UTUBE\face Rawdata\MEDface.mp4');
% VideoReader is for reading Video
vidPlayer = vision.DeployableVideoPlayer;
% Play Video in MATLAB
i = 1;
results = struct('Boxes',[],'Scores',[]);
% results is variable for storing bounding box i.e rectangle values
% While loop
I = readFrame(vidReader);
[bboxes, scores] = detect(detector,I,'Threshold',1);
[~,idx] = max(scores);
results(i).Boxes = bboxes;
results(i).Scores = scores;
annotation = sprintf('% , Confidence %4.2f' ,detector.ModelName,scores(idx));
I = insertObjectAnnotation(I,'rectangle',bboxes(idx,:),annotation);
i =i+1;
results = struct2table(results);
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